Consulting Services


As a consultant, Doc Sanders brings a depth of experience and knowledge in food animal veterinary medicine and livestock management.  He has done total herd evaluation including production medicine consultation, reproduction, nutrition, toxicology, dairy facilities, stray voltage evaluation, animal welfare and mastitis consultation throughout the U.S.A., Puerto Rico, Mexico, Canada, Russia, China, Korea, Ukraine, Japan and Colombia, South America. This work is done for dairymen, other veterinarians, milking equipment manufacturers, milk producer cooperatives, export agents, insurance companies, public utilities, attorneys at trial and various feed manufacturers.  He has the ability to apply his vast knowledge with lots of persistence to solve problem animal and management issues.  He is also an expert in litigation (most veterinarians want nothing to do with this), so he can communicate and connect with decision makers when in litigation.

Click here to view Doc Sander's Curriculum Vitae

If you would like to contact Doc Sanders about a consultation; he can be reached by e-mail, or by calling his office during the business hours listed at the bottom of this page.